Playing Flipology
Mechanics: Card Drafting, Hand Management, Secret Unit Deployment, Bluffing, Deduction

Players are dealt nine cards face down. They look at these cards and choose seven to arrange in a facedown row in front of them, placing the other two in a discard pile.
The starting player always begins their turn by placing a flower token on the lioness tile to track turns. When play returns to this player and all three tokens are on the tile, the game is over.
Players must flip a single card in their row, up or down, on their turn. Many cards have effects that trigger when the card is flipped face up. With the exception of sloths and koalas, cards must be faceup at the end of the game for their points to count toward the player's final score.
Players' rows are considered adjacent, so for example, if a dog is at the end of a player's row, the player can decide whether to next flip their own or their opponent's card.
Players have just three turns to flip their cards, use their effects, interfere with their opponents' rows, and collect points.
At the end of the game, any facedown sloths and koalas are revealed. They score positively if facedown, negatively if faceup. Any player with a hermit crab showing in their row can scavenge the discard pile and add the points of a card of their choice to their score. Then all other points are tallied.
Photo by the_boardgame_connaisseur