Special Thanks
Norbert would like to thank his family: Jenny, Luisa, and Niels
Julia would like to thank her son, Nicolas Zawadzki (narrator of the Kickstarter
and how-to-play videos) and husband, Chris Guthrey
Kickstarter Supporters
Cakes n Ladders
Game Centre
Jambo Hobbies (now known as Lovecraft Game Store)
The Viking’s Haul
Board Games By The Bay
Midwinter Gaming Convention
Families and Individuals:
Bruce Alcorn
Mark Carter
Tyler Castile
Cheap Sheep Games
Claire and James from Sky Bear Games
Creative Maths
Dominique Crowe
Stefano Di Noro
Adrienne Dong
Fredrik Endresen
Kat Feete
Bevan and Joy Findlay
Flatout Games – Molly Johnson, Shawn Stankewich, and Robb Melvin
Simon Fletcher, Illustrator
Nils Foken
Brian Foster
Stacey Francis
Sarah Fuentez
David Gabriel
William and Dylan Gamberini
Matthias Garnkäufer
Jim Goss
Christian Grail
Michael J. Gray
Ben Haskett
Gareth Higgs
Cheryl Howard Game Designer
Henry Jackson
Kamp Family
Tim Kings-Lynne
Laing-Maguire family
Brian Lambert
Bill MacGillivray
Kathleen Mercury
Michael Miller
Allan D Milton
Alex Moore
Martina Mueller
Monika and Juergen Mueller
Siddharth Jain Playware
Lara Nettle
Rikki Oliver
The Paoquists
PD and Pi
Sack of Justice Productions
Sir Frank Radefeldt
Dean Rhodes
HF Rogers
Michael Rose
Katherine S
David Satterfield
Teresa Shields
Mr Jan Silverudd
Dewey Spicer
Familie Stedtler, Germany
Ben Synnock
Team DJ
Matthew Treweek
Stu, Janice, Amelie and Sammie Turner
Marieke van Beek
Te Riu Warren
Hazel Whitley
Lauren Wilson
Kim Wright
plus many other Kickstarter backers who preferred to remain anonymous